Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Nitty Gritty

In my earlier post I said something about the nitty gritty and as I read over my other post (for typos, as I didn't have time before my battery died last time to proof read..sorry) I realized I talked about the nitty gritty but I didn't really explain myself.
My blogs name is "Sunshine on a Cloudy Day" and not just because my husband is a weather forecaster...although, he is; and he's good at it. Really, it's because on the cloudiest of days and in the roughest of times I can still have Sunshine through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the Light in my life and the only reason I'm still alive and kicking today.
So. I want this blog to be the constant reminder that without Him it would be a cold, dark world. Even in the crazy, frustrating, sickening and sometimes seemingly unbearable days; He is faithful.

Lately this verse has been my verse:
And as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face for ever.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen, and Amen.
Psalm 41:12-13

In less serious news.'s kind of serious as I left my dead camera at home when we went out shopping and on the way there my phone died AND THEN Mr. Husband decided that since we were already down that way he would take me for a walk on Waikiki!
Lucky for me, though, he had his phone and let me jack his pictures:)

Also, I too often forget that we LIVE here that's not the last time we'll go there!
I still kind of feel like we're on vacation...except that he has to work everyday...which has proven to be pretty difficult for me.
I have gone from a house where a particular little girl

hung on my every arm and talked to me constantly (that is, when she wasn't busy with her iPad. Yeah, that's right, she's awesome; AND I miss her) to solitary mornings and afternoons; Mr. Husband gets to come home for lunch all this week; I love it!
So yes. My house is spotless and the laundry is always done. I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts...

I still don't have internet; but, I did find a place with free wifi...nothing like sitting in my car blogging. It's da best. Our bedroom set comes today. We still don't have a mattress. I still haven't taken pictures of the house. 

Hopefully this wasn't too rambly for y'all...I tend to be that way...

The Forecaster's Wife

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