Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I've done it again!

Oops. It's been a week since my last post. I thought I was better than this...

The last week hasn't really been THAT busy, just tiring. I haven't been feeling well and just doing every day things like grocery shopping, cleaning, dishes, and that sort of thing become extra tiring and I feel less like doing even the fun things. But, I'm feeling better today!

Recently I've started trying to make our yard look a little bit more presentable. We're not responsible for cutting the front yard, but plants and the backyard are up to us.
Here's a picture of the backyard right before I started mowing with our Push Reel Lawn Mower. That's right, we're going old school. The Amish way.
Do you like how it's only green in the round spot in the middle? Yeah, me either. That's why I started watering it. Now it's almost all green!
I love our palm trees...but I need some mulch, or something, to go around them because the bareness makes me feel like I'm intentionally allowing our yard to be ugly...and I really like having a yard, so why would I do that???

My sisters need to come back from their own Island excursions. It's bad enough being so far way, but no skype and no facebook for this long is making me crazy!

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